We’d like to announce that our team has completed the Panama Expedition that we have been greatly anticipating for many months!
Update: You can read our first article here: Panama Expedition 2021 – Complete Overview
Organizing the expedition took months of planning and was complicated by the Coronavirus pandemic, which resulted in some unexpected challenges.
We had three team members on the ground in Panama who spent many days in the jungle and additional days in Boquete.

During the expedition the team gathered GPS data, 4K video, 4K aerial video, environmental data, countless photos and first-hand experience in the jungle during both day and night.
The expedition was exhausting. Even after numerous iterations of planning for the trip, the inhospitable conditions of the jungle led to many of the tasks requiring considerable more time and effort than we imagined. However, in light of all of the challenges and hurdles we faced, we returned with an enormous amount of information and data to share with you.
Organizing and analyzing all of the data that we gathered will take our team significant time. As we make progress in our effort to comb through all of the information, we will publish our findings in numerous articles and videos in the coming months.
We would like to thank the community for all of their support and feedback. And we especially would like to thank all of our sponsors who supported us and lightened the financial burden! Your commitment to assisting our team is infinitely appreciated! Thank you!
Below we have chosen a handful of photos to share from our trip. Of course, these photos are only a quick preview and the tip of the iceberg. Thank you for your patience as we organize and prepare all of the information to be published.

Our campsite as seen from the trail (above)

Note: Photos that contain timestamps are written as MM/DD/YYYY format. Not all photos have timestamps.
Случайно встретил в инете Ваши расследования о пропавших девушках. Это Агата Кристи & Конан Дойль! Вам необходимо написать и издать книгу.
Восхищаюсь Вашим упорством в достижении цели и даже пусть она ещё не достигнута. Всех нас мучает один вопрос – КАК и ПОЧЕМУ?
Версий много, но хочу сказать одно. Во первых – очень много серийных убийц (маньяков), во время поисков жертв, принимали активное и действенные участие, доказывая постулат психиаторов, о том, что убийца возвращается на места преступлений. В том числе, чтобы пережить те ощущения, которые он испытывал, совершая злодейство. Это я о проводнике.
Во вторых. Юные, красивые девушки. Вы должны понимать в какой вы стране и т.д., и т.п. У нас на Кавказе, таких девушек “глазами съедят”, а здесь Панама, Латинская Америка.
Да поможет Вам бог в Вашем твёрдом намерении, найти истину!
I accidentally came across your online research about the missing girls. Agatha Christie & Conan Doyle need to write and publish a book.
I admire your persistence in achieving the goal, and even if it has not yet been solved. All of us are tormented by two questions – HOW and WHY?
There are many versions, but I want to say some things. Firstly, a lot of serial killers (maniacs), during the search for victims, took an active and effective part, proving the postulate of psychiatrists that the killer returns to the crime scene. Including, to experience the feelings that he experienced while committing villainy. This is me about the conductor.
Secondly. Young, beautiful girls.
You must understand what country you are in, etc. In the region of the Caucasus (mountains in Southern Russia), such girls will be “eaten with their eyes”, but here is Panama, Latin America.
May God help you in your quest to find the truth!
Hi Chris! This is my very first comment on your website. I don’t know what it is about this case but I’ve been obsessing over it for the last few months. I wanted to congratulate you and your team on all the articles you’ve published and all the research you’ve been doing. I can’t wait to read about your expedition to Boquete!
Hope you’re all doing well and thank you for all your work! 🙂 x
Chris: thank you for all the work and the information you have compiled regarding these two young women. Justice is needed, although it seems that the case is more complex than it seems. Here are two very interesting videos and I would like your opinion:
Congratulations on planning the trip and making the plans come to fruition – no small feat there! I can’t wait to see what your report says, is there a way to sign up for updates?
Please give us some idea as to when you will be able to share your findings. We are in October right now. Can we expect anything by November? Please let us know. I check your website daily. This case never leaves me. I read about it daily and wonder what these innocent girls went through. I know they were murdered but who and how are the questions that haunt me. Please share as soon as possible. Thank you for the amazing job you and your team has done so far.
Hi Asha,
Thanks for your comment and interest in our work. We’re targeting November for publishing our first article. Our first article is already underway and will take some time to finish and refine. Collectively, all of our trip’s details will be broken down into numerous articles, to make it easier for our readers to consume and analyze for themselves. Also keep in mind, we’re balancing fulfilling our obligations to our sponsors/contributors of the fundraising campaign, while also balancing work and school. We previously offered group calls and private calls based on various contribution thresholds, so we’re fulfilling those obligations methodically right now.
I would check back on the website about Mid-November. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes right now and we’re looking forward to start publishing the information next month.
Thank you again and cheers
The last investigation, names and a eye witness. The best last info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du1y_jRiiGU&t=4s
Glad you are all home safe and sound. Thank you for all you doing to bring answers to this awful event.
Hy mate what you think about these have you guys found a so called cave?
If your findings imply a crime, then I hope you first inform authorities, especially the Dutch Forensics Institute.
If the findings imply a crime, then it is obvious that Dutch forensics have either not done their homework properly of they have closed an eye.
It looks like they didn’t find the evidence they might need. Primarily looking for the girls, but it seems like the Dutch found nothing.
Well done Chris and team members. Can’t wait to see your results.
Nice drone view of the 2nd Monkey Bridge.
Have you by any chance found out why that 2nd bridge is nicknamed “Flores”?
Fantastic! A great achievement and you should all be proud! I have to admire the ‘get up and go’ spirit of you and your team that got you motivated to study at great length what might have happened to the girls and then organize a team to go on-site. I fully look forward to hearing your findings and really hope you guys found some of the sites portrayed in photos 491 – 508.
Also, even if it were discovered to be accidental I think all your efforts and those of others including Scarlet R. and the sponsors might cause other unknown wannabe perps to think again. We all affect the world in ways we never find out about!
I look forward to the phone conference!
John Mullany
Congratulations! Lookin forward to your analysis of gathered data, and conclusions.
Congrats, thats fantastic !!!!
*Do you still think foul play?
Have writer mentioned he believes this case has involved with third party?
I would not have thought that it is really realized.
I am very excited about the data!
Thank you and best regards
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Ich hätte nicht gedacht, das es wirklich realisiert wird.
Ich bin sehr gespannt auf die Daten!
Vielen Dank und beste grüße
Incredible, and thanks for doing it. Hopefully this helps provide understanding to the mystery.
did you find the location of the night photos?
Thanks for doing this. And it gonna be interesting to take part of photos, videos, gps… One quick question: Did you find the location of the night photos?
Did you see feliciano?
Any findings of the girls?
What was the mood of village? Is it creepy?
What happends in the jungle at night?
Do you still think foul play?