Thank you for visiting, a project that’s ever expanding and evolving to provide a foreigners perspective on news and information in Central America and South America. I also cover news from around the world.
Originally from the United States, I’m currently a resident in El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America. I speak English and Spanish.

The Story of Imperfect Plan
I waited too long in my life to travel. I was a perfectionist, wanting everything to be perfect in my life before I set off to travel around the world. It was only when I started backpacking when I realized that everything does not need to be perfectly planned out. In fact, having imperfect plans is part of the experience within itself. Stop overthinking. Book a trip and then go.
I started Imperfect Plan in 2016 on a whim. I was in Panama, on my first solo trip outside of the USA and I was having the time of my life. I was taking tons of beautiful pictures, but I had no way of documenting my trip. One morning while I was laying hungover in a hostel bed in Panama, I setup and I’ve been writing ever since.
Imperfect Plan is currently three things: A travel guide to the places I’ve been, a collection of advice for fellow travelers and a resource for the international community to hear local perspectives on news in Central and South America.
Here are some of my personal best travel highlights:
- My 3 Craziest Experiences in Panama
- My 5 Craziest Experiences While on My 85 Day Backpacking Trip
- Volcano Boarding in Leon, Nicaragua
I also write about disappearance stories in Central America in order to warn others of the many dangers of travel and to offer assistance to the families to try to locate their loved ones.
My Background
I’m originally from Boston, Massachusetts. I graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in economics. I’m a software engineer. Now that I’m traveling and living abroad, I’m also a travel writer and blogger. I don’t make money from this. Even with the occasional advertisement that I place into an article, it provides me with nothing more than pocket change for an occasional coffee. As it turns out, it’s not very lucrative to write about travel in Latin America.
I have a solid background in software development. I have worked for organizations of all sizes, including Top 5 national healthcare providers, global financial companies and start-up software companies. Also, previously I lived in numerous places in the United States such as Boston, New York, Florida and Silicon Valley.

Things I love
I enjoy spicy food, coffee, technology, cool gadgets, late nights, being in good company and having incredible experiences. I choose quality over quantity. Meeting new people and having unique experiences puts a smile on my face. I really enjoy surrounding myself with free thinkers and people that opt to live differently.
Contact Me
Please feel free to send me a message. Contact me