Jill Stokke’s Confusing Ballot Claims Investigation

Jill Stokke’s Confusing Ballot Claims Investigation

A week ago, I wrote about the story of Jill Stokke, a blind woman from Nevada that publicly claimed that her mail-in ballot had been stolen and that someone had illegally voted on her behalf. Stokke claimed that the same was true for her roommate. One of my readers...
Video: Doctors on Capitol Hill Covid-19 Press Conference

Video: Doctors on Capitol Hill Covid-19 Press Conference

Doctors from around the United States continue to speak out against the unnecessary fear being generated by the mainstream news media. On Capitol Hill, American doctors held a 45 minute press conference and discussed how fear of Coronavirus is a significantly larger...
The Internet Is Being Monopolized

The Internet Is Being Monopolized

The internet is under threat of being monopolized. In fact, many argue that it was already monopolized over the past 10-15 years. Since Facebook and Google have taken the stage, they’ve essentially programmed the web to be on giant monopoly that benefits them....